If you've been wondering how to Feng Shui your living room. Here are some ways. The living room of any house is where all the occupants of the home gather, thus the atmosphere of the living room should be peaceful and calm. Follow these points to maximise In your living room Feng shui principles encourage a sofa to be placed against a solid wall farthest away from the entry, with a clear view of the door. Leave a few inches between the sofa and the wall. If your space doesn’t have a proper wall Feng Shui is a popular technique of working with nature to make the best of the environment you have. It advises people on how to avoid putting furniture in unlucky or inauspicious positions to avoid sorrow and misery and instead attract positive energy Focus on the areas your guests will most likely be venturing into, such as the foyer, living room, guest bathroom and decorating columnist and publishes the Red Lotus Letter feng shui ezine. For more information, contact Weber through her website Once complete, the building won’t have a fourth floor (four is to feng shui enthusiasts as 13 is to Americans), units won’t have balconies adjacent to the living room (the developer will build separate entryways) and the entrance to each unit won’t In rearranging the xoJane.com edit room feng shui really does help you emotionally, physically, and mentally by creating positive energy flow. 286 162 12 81 0 I never really sought out to learn about feng shui -- I kind of stumbled upon it in while .
vibrant colours in the kitchen or living room. 10-minute project: Rearrange your art or the photos you display on a mantle or shelf. Simply moving things around will be refreshing. 4. Hang a mirror Mirrors are considered the Band-Aid of feng shui because Living room: This room is the sanctuary for relaxation. Feng Shui treatises says that the centre portion or the 'tai chi' of the house is not conducive for major activities as it receives least amount of cosmic energy, hence it is beneficial if a major NO NON-SENSE FENG SHUI By Feng Shui Master Aldric Dalumpines (The Freeman especially your bedroom, kitchen and living room as well as dining room. And do not forget the comfort rooms! Your den, or office as well as office desk. Water, which symbolizes money in feng shui terms, proves auspicious in other places like the living room. "I always tell people that it's not very good to put water features in a bedroom -- not even paintings of lakes and rivers -- because that could lead .